Meiro SDK is an Android library that provides a simple way to interact with Meiro Data Platform. It is written in Kotlin but is usable from Java projects as well.
Define a dependency in your build.gradle
⚠️ Note: This SDK uses desugaring to use Java 8+ types on older Android versions. This requires your application to specify desugaring as well. Check official documentation how to integrate it.
Getting Started
To use the SDK it must first be initialized
context = applicationContext,
configuration = Configuration(
endpoint = "",
appId = getResources().getString(R.string.google_app_id),
this call must be performed only once, usually in the Application.onCreate
The Context
instance is stored in the SDK. To avoid memory leaks, never pass any Activity
or other instances than Application
instance to the SDK.
object is used to configure the SDK. It has the following properties:
data class Configuration(
// Meiro Data Platform endpoint
val endpoint: String,
// application id. If you are using Firebase, you should use `R.string.google_app_id`
val appId: String,
// if enabled, includes additional logs. Should be disabled in production
val debugMode: Boolean = false,
// push notifications configuration
val pushNotifications: PushNotificationsConfiguration = PushNotificationsConfiguration(),
// automatic tracking options configuration
val automaticTrackingOptions: AutomaticTrackingOptions = AutomaticTrackingOptions(),
// language of the application. Used if you want to target users by language
val language: String? = null,
// Firebase project id. If you are using Firebase, you should use `R.string.project_id`
val firebaseProjectId: String? = null,
data class PushNotificationsConfiguration(
// Whether push notifications handling is enabled or not
val pushEnabled: Boolean = true,
// Accent color of push notification icon and buttons. A color value,
// not resource id, is expected here, e.g. context.resources.getColor(R.color.something)
var accentColor: Int? = null,
// Channel name for push notifications. Only for API level 26+.
var channelName: String = "Meiro",
// Channel description for push notifications. Only for API level 26+.
var channelDescription: String = "Notifications",
// Channel ID for push notifications. Only for API level 26+.
var channelId: String = "meiro_notifications",
// Icon to be showed in push notifications. A drawable resource id expected.
var pushIconResId: Int? = null,
Automatic Events Tracking
Through Configuration.automaticTrackingOptions
it's possible to configure automatic tracking of the following events:
data class AutomaticTrackingOptions(
// automatic tracking of activities/fragments screen views
val screenViewTracking: Boolean = true,
// automatic tracking of application lifecycle events such as app_installed, app_foreground and app_background
val lifecycleEventsTracking: Boolean = true,
// automatic tracking of Google Advertising ID attached to each event
val googleAdIdTracking: Boolean = true,
For screen views see #screen-tracking for details
Google Advertising ID tracking
If AutomaticTrackingOptions.googleAdIdTracking
enabled each event contains Google Advertising ID. This feature automatically adds
permission to the merged manifest. If you want to disable this feature, you can remove the permission by adding the following code to your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="" tools:node="remove" />
Screen Tracking
By default the SDK tracks screen open events for Activities and Fragments. If you are using compose-navigation there is built-in extension on NavController
that allows you to track screen open events.
import io.meiro.sdk.autoTrackScreenViews
If you don't use any of the before mentioned navigation libraries, you can manually track screen open events:
MeiroSdk.trackScreenView(name = "screen_name", properties = mapOf("product_id" to "1"))
Push Messaging
Meiro platform supports sending push notifications to users. This SDK handles push notifications displaying and tracking.
If your application does not use Firebase Cloud Messaging, the SDK will automatically register the FirebaseMessagingService
and will handle displaying of the push notifications.
If you are already using Firebase Cloud Messaging, you need to perform the following:
Pass the FCM token to the SDK by calling
. This should happen inonNewToken
method of subclass ofFirebaseMessagingService
method ofFirebaseMessagingService
and check whether the received message is Meiro message and then pass it to the SDK to perform the displaying. The code may look something like this
override fun onMessageReceived(message: RemoteMessage) {
if (MeiroNotifications.isMeiroMessage(message)) {
context = this,
message = message
} else {
The SDK does not handle requesting for the android.Manifest.permission.POST_NOTIFICATION
permission for Android 33+. You need to request this permission for the SDK to be able to display push notifications.
Clicking the push notification may result in three scenarios based on a defined action
- default launcher activity will be openedbrowser
- url will be opened in the browserdeeplink
- deeplink will be opened. In this case the application need to write a logic to register and handle the deeplink
In all three scenarios all of the properties from the data
object of the push notification will be passed to the opened activity. In a case of nested objects the structure is represented as a JSON string.
Existing apps with Firebase Cloud Messaging
If you are already using Firebase Cloud Messaging in your app, you need to pass the FCM token to the SDK after the app start. This can be done by calling
FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().token.addOnSuccessListener { token ->
eg. in Application.onCreate
Audience API
The SDK provides a simple way to interact with Meiro Data Platform Audience API. By calling the MeiroEvents.audience
method the MeiroAudience
instance is returned which contains wbs
method encapsulating the Audience WBS API.
fun wbs(
instance: String,
parameters: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
segment: Int? = null,
callback: ResultCallback
This method accepts mandatory instance
argument representing your instance name in a CDP. You can pass optional parameters
and the segment
attributes to the request. The result is received through a callback
In onSuccess
method you will receive a MeiroAudienceResult
object containing the parsed returned_attributes
and data
properties of a response JSON. Type of these properties is JSONObject
so it allows dynamic returned types.
In onError
you may receive any exception that occurred during the request. There is predefined MeiroAudienceError
exception informing about known error such as 404 - Customer not found.
method accepts an optional logger
parameter. By default it uses Android Log
class with MeiroSDK
tag. If you want to use a custom logger, you can implement MeiroLogger
interface and pass your instance to the init
Offline support
All of the events are tracked in real time. In a case of missing internet connection, events are stored in a queue for 24h. Once the device is connected to the internet, events are automatically sent to the server.